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Viriato Soromenho-Marques é professor catedrático de Filosofia da Universidade de Lisboa, membro correspondente da Academia das Ciências de Lisboa, e da Academia de Marinha. Activista ambiental desde 1978. Integrou o Conselho de Imprensa (1985-1987) e o Conselho Económico e Social (1992-1996). Entre 2001 e 2006 foi Vice-Presidente da Rede Europeia de Conselhos do Ambiente e do Desenvolvimento Sustentável (EEAC). Foi membro do Conselho Nacional do Ambiente e Desenvolvimento Sustentável (CNADS) de 1998 a 2019; coordenador científico do Programa Gulbenkian Ambiente (2007-2011); membro do High Level Group on Energy and Climate Change do Presidente da Comissão Europeia (2007-2010). Integra o Júri do Prémio Pessoa desde 2012. É conselheiro especial da Fundação Oceano Azul (desde 2017). Membro fundador e presidente da Assembleia Geral da ONG Common Home of Humanity (2018). É Grande Oficial da Ordem de Mérito Civil (1997), e Grande Oficial da Ordem do Infante D. Henrique (2006). Recebeu o Prémio Personalidade de 2014, pela Fundação Portuguesa do Pulmão, e o Prémio «Leaders of the Decade in Sustainable Development» atribuído pelo Women Economic Forum, em 2019. Autor de uma vasta bibliografia, proferiu mais de mil conferências em vinte e três países. Tem colaboração regular na imprensa escrita e audiovisual.

Webpage: www.viriatosoromenho-marques.com


Ingrid Mulà is associate professor in science education for sustainable development at the University of Girona and executive director of the COPERNICUS Alliance – a European network of universities committed to transformative learning and change for sustainability. She has held academic research positions at universities in Spain, UK, Gibraltar, Malaysia and Belgium, and has been a consultant for international organisations such as UNESCO (Paris), UNESCO Humid Tropic Centre (Malaysia), German Commission for UNESCO, and the Environment and School Initiatives (ENSI).

Her areas of expertise include education for sustainable development, transformative learning and organizational change. Ingrid is particularly interested in the use of action and creative research methods to engage people of all years and backgrounds in sustainability. She is currently involved in a large European project that is building the capacity of adult learning educators on transformative learning approaches in online settings.


Daniel Schaffer has been the CEO of the Foundation for Environmental Education since December 2013.

Before taking up this role he managed for five years EcoOcean, an NGO focused on the Mediterranean marine and coastal environment. Prior to that, he has worked for many years as a research vessel captain combining his love for the sea and his passion for the environment.
Daniel has experience working with youth both within the formal the non-formal education system and believes education to be a vital tool for positive change.
He is a passionate sailor and has sailed and raced all around the world.
Daniel holds a BA in Business Management and a Masters in Marine Civilizations studies.
He resides with his wife and two young children just outside of Copenhagen.